When do you become too senior to eat lunch?

I haven't eaten lunch at work since the early 2000's. When stolen Crunch n' Munch from the samples closet and Diet Coke seemed like a good choice.

But I never thought about the example it set for my teams until a team member in her twenties asked me.

She continued, when do you have to stop to get ahead?

Of course, I told her you don't have to skip lunch; some people prioritize getting home earlier versus taking a full lunch.

But when I looked around, our ELT wasn't eating lunch, and they weren't going home early, either.

One skill I rarely saw modeled as a young professional was setting boundaries. Learning it earlier would have helped me be a more resilient, patient leader, but I am just learning it now and doing my best to model for others.


I got wait-listed at Harvard and Stanford for business school…